
Average score 787 Reviews
Elisa TT noted on Google

Pour l’ambiance, je me suis fait livrer ! Rien à redire sur la livraison, très rapide mais en semaine. Côté cuisine rien redire tout est délicieux (Translated by Google) For the atmosphere, I had it delivered! Nothing to complain about the delivery, very fast but during the week. As for the cuisine, nothing to complain about, everything is delicious

2 months ago
Ksenia Semenyuk noted on Google

2 months ago
Arthur DAVID noted on Google

Vraiment des plats excellents, je n'ai jamais été déçu par la qualité de leur cuisine. (Translated by Google) Really excellent dishes, I have never been disappointed by the quality of their cuisine.

2 months ago
Emilie Porée noted on Google

2 months ago
Lila A noted on Google

Vraiment agréablement surpris par ce restaurant qui ne paie pas de mine à l'extérieur mais qui est succulent. Produits frais et de qualité. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) Really pleasantly surprised by this restaurant which doesn't look much on the outside but is delicious. Fresh and quality products. I recommend.

2 months ago
Tania noted on Google

2 months ago
Isabelle Galliath noted on Google

2 months ago
Fakunderground noted on Google

Les plats sont les mêmes que dans tous les restaurants japonais. Cependant ils sont bien réalisés. Je vous le recommande. (Translated by Google) The dishes are the same as in all Japanese restaurants. However, they are well done. I recommend it.

2 months ago
Ysambre noted on Google

Nourriture copieuse et très goûteuse avec un personnel d’une grand gentillesse et très à l’écoute de ses clients. Le lieu est très chaleureux et comme j’avais froid, à mon retour des sanitaires, j’ai fini par comprendre comment je m’étais si vite réchauffée : la serveuse avait gentiment disposé des chauffages d’appoint tout autour de ma place durant mon absence. So cute. (Translated by Google) Copious and very tasty food with very friendly staff who are very attentive to their customers. The place is very warm and as I was cold, on my return from the toilets, I ended up understanding how I had warmed up so quickly: the waitress had kindly placed additional heaters all around my place during my absence. So cute.

2 months ago
tyty szpak noted on Google

2 months ago

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78990 Élancourt, France

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